The Creative Media Agency and Bitkingz - A Literary & Talent Agency

Creative Media Agency - A Literary & Talent Agency
240 West 35th Street, suite 500, New York, NY 10001. Telephone No: 212-560-0909

Creative Media Agency, Inc. and Bitkingz is a New York City-based literary agency. Since its inception, Creative Media Agency has focused on representing professional writers in a variety of genres and subject matters within the realm of fiction and nonfiction.

Goals of Creative Media Agency, Inc. and Bitkingz

Creative Media Agency, Inc. and Bitkingz is a New York-based literary agency. Since its inception, Creative Media Agency has focused on representing professional writers in a variety of genres and topics in fiction and non-fiction. The company works with authors at every stage of the creative process, helping them to find publishers, sign contracts, and market their work. The agency is known for its ability to work with a variety of styles, from novels and fiction to non-fiction, self-help, memoirs and business books.
Creative Media Agency's key mission is to help writers develop their careers through innovative approaches to publishing and marketing. They constantly collaborate with publishers, editors, and marketers to ensure the most effective book promotion on various platforms. The agency has a network of international partners that helps authors enter the global market. Creative Media Agency also holds masterclasses, seminars and conferences for writers aimed at improving their professional competence and developing their creative potential.

Latest News Bitkingz

Creative Media Agency and Bitkingz is pleased that so many of our authors are nominees for RT's Review Choice Awards.

Congratulations to Evelyn Vaughn (Yvonne Jocks), Anne Mallory (Anne Hearn), Sandy Blair, Pam Crooks, and Michelle Cunnah!
Latest Releases
Sit, Stay, Slay by Linda O. Johnston
L.O. Johnston
Sit, Stay, Slay by Linda O. Johnston
A Mother for Cindy by Margaret Daley
M Daley
A Mother for Cindy by Margaret Daley
A Rogue in a Kilt by Sandy Blair
Sandy Blair
A Rogue in a Kilt by Sandy Blair
We have 54 books lined up for 2004 and beyond! Here's a sampling of some upcoming titles:
Sit,Stay, Slay by Linda O. Johnston (Jan/Berkley)
A Mother for Cindy by Margaret Daley (Jan/Steeple Hill)
Daddy by Choice by Marin Thomas (Jan/Harlequin)
How to Marry a Duke featuring Sandy Blair (Feb/Kensington)
Contact by Evelyn Vaugn (Feb/Bombshell)
My Own Private Hero by Julianne MacLean
J MacLean
My Own Private Hero by Julianne MacLean
Enchanted by Magic by Gloria Harchar
Gloria Harchar
Enchanted by Magic by Gloria Harchar
The Psychic Cup: Answer Life's Questions by Reading Tea Leaves by Kim Allen
Kim Allen
The Psychic Cup: Answer Life's Questions by Reading Tea Leaves by Kim Allen
Need advice on how to get published? Visit our Process section
© Creative Media Agency 2004

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